Tektronix SD-14

2 CH, 3GHz High Impedance Probe Sampler

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The Tektronix SD14 Sampling Head is designed for high-impedance signal acquisition where a 50 Ohm acquisition system is not the optimal solution. Features:
  • Acquisition System: dual channel
  • Rise Time: 140 ps from 10% to 90%
  • Bandwidth: 3 GHz (typical)
  • Dynamic Range: 7 Vp-p within a ±3.5 V offset range
  • Dot Transient Response: Accuracy after calibration at operating temperature is
  • ±5% for signals up to 0.5 Vp-p. Adjustable to unity for signals up to 1.0 Vp-p.
  • Input Impedance: 100 kilohm and 0.5 pF
  • Displayed Noise: Maximum Typical: With unity dot response: SD14 8 mV 7 mV
  • Aberrations (typical): <1.5 ns after step: +12%, -25%, 1.5 ns to 4 ns after step:
  • +1%, -3%, 4 ns to 30 ns after step: ±2%. Elsewhere: ±1%.
  • Maximum Input Voltage: ±15 V
  • Time Coincidence Between Channels - 10 ps accuracy; <0.2 ps/°C stability.
Specifications & Attributes (Oscilloscopes)
Form Factor
3 Ghz
2 Ch

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