Digitizing Oscilloscope
Signal Acquisition System
2 Channels
2 Digitizers
Bandwidth: 200 MHz
Sample Rate: 100 MS/s on both channels
Sensitivity: 1 mV to 10V/div
Vertical System
Vertical Resolution: 8-bits (256 levels over 10.24 vertical divisions)
Analog Bandwidth Selections: 20 MHz, 100 MHz, and full
Input Coupling: AC, DC, or GND
Input Impedance Selections: 1 Mohm in parallel with 15 pF, or 50 ohm (AC and DC coupling)
Time Base System
Time Bases: Main, Delayed
Time/Division Range: 1 ns to 20 s/div
Record Length (real time and equivalent time) - Sample points per channel: 500 to 15,000. Option 1M offers 60,000 points
Triggering System
Triggers: Main, Delayed
Main Trigger Modes: Auto, Normal, Single Sequence
Video Trigger Types: NTSC, PAL, SECAM, and Custom; TV Field, field 2 or both, Any line within a field. Line Rates: 10 kHz to 64 kHz, interlaced, non-interlaced, composite
Measurement System: Automatic waveform measurements
Waveform Processing
Waveform Functions: Interpolate-selectable sin(x)/x or linear, Average, Envelope
Advanced Waveform Functions: FT, Integration, Differentiation (optional)
Arithmetic Operators: Add, Subtract, Multiply, Invert
Computer Interface: GPIB (IEEE 488.2) Programmability
Hardcopy/Desktop Publishing
Printer: HP ThinkJet, Epson, PostScript, Interleaf, DeskJet, LaserJet, TIFF, PCX, BMP (Microsoft Windows)
Plotter: HPGL
Interface: GPIB standard
Optional Hardcopy Interface: Centronics Type and RS-232
Floppy Drive: 3.5" 1.44 MB or 720 kB DOS compatible
Includes: 2 P6138 10X Passive Probes