TEK TDS680C Digital Storage Oscilloscopes
3 GHz, 1 GHz and 500 MHz Bandwidths to Work with the Fastest Signals in Today's Digital Designs
10 GS/s and 5 GS/s Sample Rates on all Channels Simultaneously for Full Bandwidth Single-shot Capture
Histograms and Measurement Statistics to More Fully Characterize Design Performance
Support for Java Applications Packages
Hard Disk Drive Storage (option)
Support for Iomega parallel port ZipTM drives
Waveform Math and Advanced Waveform DSP
Fully Automated Measurement System
Waveform Pass/Fail Template Testing
Color Display (TDS 654C, TDS 684C, TDS 694C)
RS-232, Centronics, and GPIB Interfaces Included Standard
Record Length to 120,000 Points/channel*
Timebase Accuracy to 10 ppm, Time Interval Measurement Accuracy to ± 15 ps (TDS 694C)
Trigger Jitter 8 ps RMS (Typical)
1% Vertical Accuracy (TDS 694C)
100 ps Peak Detect (TDS 694C only)
Specifications & Attributes (Oscilloscopes)
Type |
Digital Storage (DSO)