Bandwidth: 1 GHz
Number of Channels: 4 ch
Simultaneous Channels: 4 ch
Simultaneous Maximum Sampling Rate/ch: 2 GSa/s
One ch. only max. sampling rate: 4 GSa/s
Max. Single Shot bandwidth: 1 GHz
Max. Record Length: 50000 pt/sec
Vertical Sensitivity Range: 1 mV/div to 10 V/div
Rise time: 350 ps
Number of Bits: 8 bits
Input Impedance: 1 MOhm
Input Impedance (alternate): 50 Ohm
Input Coupling: AC,DC,GND
Maximum Input Voltage: 400 Vrms
Main time base Range: 200 ps/div to 10 s/div
Timebase accuracy: 0.0025 %
Trigger Source: External,Internal
Trigger Modes: Auto,Edge,Logic,Normal,Pulse,Single
Minimum Trigger Holdoff: 16 ns
Minimum Glitch Trigger: 1 ns
Display Type: Color LCD
List of Options
05 |
Video Trigger |
13 |
RS-232/Centronics Interface |
1F |
Floppy Drive |
1K |
Oscilloscope Cart |
1M |
130,000 Record Length |
1R |
Rack Mount Kit |
24 |
Four P6139A Probes |
26 |
Four P6245 Probes |
2C |
Communication Signal Analyzer |
2F |
Advanced DSP Math |
2M |
Extended Memory: 8M Max, 2M/CH |
3C |
P6701B with System Calibration |
4C |
P6703B with System Calibration |
HD |
Hard Drive |
Specifications & Attributes (Oscilloscopes)